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I thought for a bit about what to call my site and I settled upon I : Heart : Mountains. Here's the logic. There are three things in life I really like talking about. Number 1 is me, and let's face it you don't start a blog if you don't relish sharing the odd opinion or two. Number 2 is heart health. If you explore with a few clicks you'll discover that I've had a number of encounters with the various cardiac care teams in my home city of Oxford. They're great people, they do great work, and I have a lot to thank them for. And finally, number 3 is mountains. Everyone should have a thing. That being something they can talk about with enthusiasm to show the rest of the world what lights a fire in their soul. For me that thing is mountains. So, I : Heart : Mountains. I think that makes a kind of sense and if you decide to read more I hope you find something of interest here.    

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